– EL edition ” EX LIBRIS”, 1990 –
Not illustrated
” She had let herself lie down on the grass. Nothing else had happened, they had kiss ad and soon after they had left. But for years, even when their relationship had finished, she had kept the memory of that night, so vivid that it gave her the impression of a colour, the memory of a scent or the feeling of a kiss.
Who knows if Ines would one day be able to remember, the bank of the river and the smell of hay without shivering …!”
The series “EX LIBRIS” Andersen Prize 1994 collects novels and stories able to provoke strong emotions, and deal with subjects of great interest; books which want to leave traces in the memory, in the heart, under the skin. As these do. ” Among the few Italian writers, Angela Nanetti has managed to tell about boys and girls’adolescence in a wonderful way.
Livio Sossi ” El Metafore d’Infanzia” Einaudi children
(Not available)